Bells and Vajra
The Tibean hand bell or drilbu is an essential implement within the whole of Vajrayan Buddhism. The bell represents the Feminine Wisdom essence of consciousness—Prajnaparamita, Yumchenmo or The Great Mother —residing in the center of her enlightened mandala of the Five Wisdoms.
Our Dehra Dun bells are the finest quality 5-metal (copper, silver, gold, iron, tin).
The case are custom made, stiff shells for protecting the precious bell / drilub from fracture.
They are not stamped or machine made: Each is hand-made by the process of lost wax in the traditional manner by Indian and Newari craftsmen who have been doing this for centuries.
5-Prong Drilbu
The five prongs express the 5-Buddha families. These bells are used by all lineages and sects. Black or silver has no special significance, but just a matter of yogi's taste or style.
9-Prong Drilbu
The nine prong bell / drilbu is more commonly used by Nyingma practitioners, especially when they have the Dzokchen 'hole" in the center. The nine prongs do represent the nine yanas. But these bells are also univerally applicable as they represent the 5 Buddhas in union with their 5 consorts (with number ten in the center).